Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tirana: The mundane

Being on travel for two months is great, but that doesn’t mean I can escape mundane chores like laundry and paying bills.  Every now and then I take an admin day to do both.

When it comes to laundry, Airbnb’s are better, but in Germany, I still had to air dry my cloths as the dryer didn’t work well.  Drying my socks using a great contraption. See photo

I paid for laundry in Belgrade and I tried to get info here on where to go, but the owner immediately said his mom could do it.  She is also the one who cleans the rooms that I met the day prior.  Little old lady who is super sweet.  I really would rather pay a laundry service to do it, but he insisted and said this is what its all about – people helping people.  Wow.  I insisted on paying, but he said “no”.  Ugh.  He also said she just got a new washing machine, so its no problem.  I wonder when I’ll get it all back.  I’m just about out of socks and underwear.  I’m leaving 20 Euro either way.

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