Saturday, October 5, 2019

Belgrade - the White City

Took full advantage of the first day here in Belgrade (Tuesday) with beautiful sunshine and 84 degree weather.  Open air bus tour of the city and night boat ride on the Sava and Danube Rivers.  Both wonderful!  The City is quite big and there is so much to see and do.  Prioritizing where to go is difficult.  There are thousands of outdoor cafes and restaurants surrounded by all types of archetecture:  neo classic, Jungenstil, and decrepit communist style buildings. Met some very nice people on the boat tour.  I feel that traveling is a little like living overseas - you know you have limited time together and are experiencing something unique, so you tend to make friends quickly.

Some random notes reflected in some of the photos:
-saw several older women begging
-lots of Smoking.  They smoke in restaurants here.  Arrrr
-Taxi strike at national assembly every day from 12-3.  Protesting that Uber is currently not subject to same rules laws regs
- Air conditioners hanging out all windows everywhere
-food has been ok but nothing too special yet.  I wanted something light last night and they suggested the mushrooms.  Ok, sounds good.  It was mushrooms on a bed of lettuce and rice, no seasoning at all.  Hmmmm

More to come.

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