Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Tam Coc: Mack with knives and Rowing by Foot

Relaxing day at leisure.  Took my time in cafes, had my laundry done and worked on photos.  Later in the day I took a local boat tour in which rowers use their feet to row.  Once again beautiful scenery to include more caves, king fisher birds and dragon flies.  Topped the day off with a 90 minute massage.

Next morning I finally had company at the homestay, at least for breakfast. Mack from Tunisia is a Chef (supposedly the best in Tunisia) who loves to travel and usually brings a knife and cutting board on his travels so he can cook with local foods.  Wow!  I give you one of his quotes: “Work fills your pocket but travel fills your head.”

King Fisher

Ahhh so this is where my laundry was done


  1. FYI I cancelled my Nation Geographic it's much more interesting following your pictures and writings

  2. Awesome day! We are learning so much from you and hope to follow in your footsteps soon.
