Sunday, February 9, 2020

Phnom Penh: Khmer Rouge and the Killing Fields

Today was a somber day.  We went to the Choeung Ek Genocide Center – the killing fields.
A total of 2.5 million people were massacred, many tortured then buried.  We also went to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S21) which was one of the high security prisons in which 20,000 people were tortured and killed.  I knew of the genocide that occurred between 1975-1979, but didn’t know the details.  We were taken back by the raw and graphic description of the torture and treatment of Cambodian civilians to include children and babies.  The most shocking is what they did to babies.  The Khmer Rouge killed and tortured with rudimentary tools, making the killing and torture even worse.  I was horrified and saddened by the details and truth of what happened here.  We must never forget.

I was fortunate enough to meet one of the four survivors of the prison.  Norng Chanphaland was only 9 when the Vietnamese came and rescued him from the prison. He and the other children were hiding under a pile of rags.

Later that night I almost had a thief take my phone.  Two men on a scooter swung right in front of me, almost hitting me, and tried to grab my phone. However, the phone was thrown to the ground Instead about five feet away.   I then jumped to pick it back up and gave a sigh of relief.  Lucky!  Phnom Penh is known for its thieves.

Yesterday was another grueling day but for a different reason.  Our VIP van ride from Kep took 6 hours vice 3 due to dusty and long construction.  Oh well.  That is what its like in third world countries.  All is well as we are in a very modern and beautiful hotel, with 14th floor views of the city.

Road construction 

One of the prisoners killed.  Came in as an innocent child with Lion King shirt and ends up tortured and killed.  So sad

Prison survivor

So many women wear what looks like pajamas.  Here are matching pajamas in a tuk tuk filled with 11 people

My kind of award

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