Sunday, February 23, 2020

Ha Long Bay: Dragon Dropping Pearls

To protect Ha Long Bay a dragon dropped 2000 pearls into the bay which grew into beautiful rock formations.  Ha Long Bay - ok, I know I say this a lot, but this place is gorgeous!   I'm on a luxury cruise for two nights, three days.  This is my first cruise and so far I'm very impressed.  It's a small ship with only 32 cabins, which is a nice size.  I have met some wonderful people on the cruise to include two gentlemen who live in the same city I lived in Hawaii - Kailua.  Small world.  It's been fun catching up on all the Hawaii news. The other guests are with a tour group from Australia and Canada.  Last night I crashed their wine tasing event by accident.  They announced wine tasing and appetizers, which I naturally took advantage of.  I drank wine, mingled and ate plenty of food, then later found out it was a private event for the tour group.  So funny.  They didn't mind apparently.

Fortunately we have sunshine which is not always common this time of year  Eating well and keeping busy with kayaking, visiting floating villages, cooking classes and taking tai chi in the morning.  Enjoying the luxury after being in some rough accommodations in Ninh Binh.  I even got to pick out the scent of essential oils I would have in my room.  Life is good.

I am fast approaching my return date of 29 February and winding down.  I may just stay in Hanoi for the last four days as there is plenty to see there.  I don't have the energy to transport to another town and get all dirty again.  LOL.

Van (Cindy) of the crew.  She started us off with Tai Chi each morning.

Tea time in a local village.

our cooking class.  Spring rolls

Children in a nearby fishing village.  They live on this boat.


Fishing Boat

A boy and his dog.  They live on a floating structure and boat.

See the couple swimming?

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