Friday, January 31, 2020

Phnom Penh: grit, grime and chaos

Here in Phnom Penh since Wednesday.  Big city with big city stuff - grit, grime and lots of cars and motorcycles that try to run you down.  Markets are raw yet in some ways cleaner.  Despite all that I seem to be one with the city and comfortable.  Not my favorite place but ok for now.  Terri arrives tonight and we head to Kep on Sunday.  Here are a few of the city sights.

Local spa for 90 minute massage.  Excellent place:  Bodia

Market fun

Blessings at the market

Buddhist temple offerings

offerings:  incense

Fish in a bag:  they are heavy users of plastic here


market food - I think that is some type of intenstines

At a Buddhist temple
Market meats - yup, thats a pig's snout 

Buddhist temple

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