Friday, January 10, 2020

Yangon: Market Day

Market day.  Started out early to China Town for the outdoor street markets and then at night went on a food tour and the night market.  Always interesting. In the morning you could see the monks parading through the streets and markets to collect donations (alms) from the public.  They usually received cooked rice, other food and money.  They must do this each day as they are not allowed to work and buy their own food.  The night food tour was great, but too much food.  We sampled all types of foods and our favorite was samosa salad.  We ate at outdoor food stalls and restaurants.  We met the cutest little boy who wanted to practice his English on us.  Every time he said his words he gave an animated bob to the head.

The women and some men wear a cosmetic face cream called Thanaka made form ground bark.  They create all types of designs with it and it protects their skin and helps with acne.

 Also had my first massage of the year.  90 minutes for $23. Very nice!!

lady with an attitude

Our guide and Paul showing off their bracelet given to them from the monks for good luck

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