Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Vientiane, Laos: That Dam Stupa

Imagine walking down the street and coming across the soft sound of chanting monks in a monastery.  You walk in and there are several monks sitting with their bright orange robes in  front of a large Buddha Statue and several other civilians behind praying with them. They don’t see me and are completely engrossed in their prayer.  Locking in these organic moments.

Now in Vientiane, Laos.  Very relaxing city with Buddhist temples and stupas (shrine) which are much different from Myanmar - quieter and less touristy.  We are enjoying the change in pace and the slightly cooler weather.  A couple of days of temple tramping (as our new Kiwi friends call it) and meeting fellow travelers.  Tonight a group of us will meet for dinner.  I am fascinated to hear other peoples' stories and philosophy of life, and travel habits.  Some of them retired and others on a sabbatical.

Had a fantastic dinner with Paul’s local friend (actually, a friend of a friend) last night.   He filled us in on the challenges of living in Laos and also of his experiences as a monk.  He should write a book.

Today went to the COPE Visitor Center where we learned about the history of unexploded ordinance (UXO) in Laos from the USA’s bombing in the Vietnam War, along with information on how the Center is helping those disabled from the UXO.  80 million “bombies” remained unexploded in the country.  Sobering.

That Dam Stupa - its real name

air quality pretty bad on the streets, but better than Myanmar

hmmmmm.   which one goes to our hotel?

Wat Si Saket

Wat Inpeng near our hotel.  Monks praying and chanting.

Mekong River

Buddha face at Wat Si Saket with over 6,000 Buddha images in silver and bronze.

Met up with local friend of a friend or a friend, Reggie.  Gave us insight into living in Laos, and ordered the most amazing dishes.

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