Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Bangkok: New Years Day Temples

Happy New Year!   Another day of Wats and Buddhas.  Started with Chinatown which was interesting and crowded.  Lots of markets and food and smells for the senses.  Then a ferry to Wat Arun.   Amazing to witness all the locals praying and to be blessed by the monks.  Each wat seems to have their own complex of many buildings and mini temples.  Outside of the buildings are monks on microphones all competing to tell you their philosophy, I think.  Its actually very loud and annoying.  Then there is all the money being exchanged.  You buy an offering then place it in front of your favorite buddha statue, or they may just give money.  Saw a large money tree, all in support of the monks.  The rooms with the buddha statues are beautifully painted with intricate religious scenes.  After Wat Arun we went across the river to Wat Pho to see the reclining Buddha.  This Buddha was huge and extended the length of a long building. The complex itself was equally beautiful with the sun late on the horizon creating a dazzling glimmer to the temples ornate gold gild trim.  And to think we are just at the beginning of this journey.  Many more wats to witness.

one big Buddha 

giving alms to the monks

Wat pho

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