Saturday, January 18, 2020

Luang Prabang: The Vibe is What you Bring

Where has the time gone????  We’ve been so busy that I’ve barely had time to blog or go through the thousands of photo’s I’ve taken.  Now at at café in Luang Prabang, Laos and inspired to write, with cappuccino in hand and pleasant music playing in the background.  Staring out at the street where locals are setting up for the night market.

Been in Luang Prabang (Royal Buddha Image) since the 15th and love it.  A UNESCO world heritage Site claimed to be the best city in Laos.  Well, it was a favorite of Anthony Bourdain after all. See “Parts Unknown” Season 9, episode 3.  His show really portrays the country and city accurately to include its complex history.  Our first meal was at the restaurant Tamarind where Anthony had a meal or two.  I had the chicken and coriander stuffed lemon grass.  Delicious!

We jam packed the next day because there is so much to see here.  Leaving at 5:30 in the morning to the city center to give alms (sticky rice) to the monks is still a highlight for me.  They have to do this everyday or they don’t eat.  Locals and tourists line up on tiny little chairs along the sidewalk near the monasteries, with baskets of sticky rice or banana leaf wrapped rice in hand.  One by one the monks walk past and you place a scoop or rice (with hand) in their alms bowl.  We are sitting because we must be lower than the monks.

We truck it up 300 plus steps of Mount Phousie to see the sunrise.  But that is yet not enough exercise as we take a tuk tuk to the Kuang Si Waterfalls after breakfast and make an intense hike (to me anyway) up to the top of some gorgeous waterfalls.  The hike was not easy as we climbed up and down steep, slippery dirt steps, and stairs draped with flowing water.  After 24,299 steps and 83 flights of stairs, we earned an amazing sunset cruise on the Mekong.  It seemed we did enough for a week already.  What a beautiful day.

Today we did a tour of Buddha caves, but only after a local whiskey stop and pick ups of other tourists.  200 plus steps to the cave gave my legs and body one more reason to ache, but well worth it.  The boat ride and scenery were spectacular, to include elephants, along the way.  Relaxing day!

Words of wisdom along the way:

“The vibe is what you bring”. Paul – well said

Paul's little friend.  She is the daughter of the hotel manager and just loves to draw pictures for Paul

Rice alms for the monks


Chicken stuffed lemon grass

Whiskey anyone?

Hike down from the waterfall

Buddha caves

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful waterfalls. Why have snakes & scorpions in whiskey?!
