Saturday, January 25, 2020

Battambang: Strange and bizarre food

Said goodbye to Paul who is now in Phnom Penh.  A great travel companion even though he eats like a bird.  LOL.  He says I eat like a truck driver - and proud of it.  We'll have fun back in DC digesting what we all saw and reminiscing about the highlights, and the strange and bizarre - there was plenty of that.

Now in Battambang for a few days.  A little rougher around the edges with more grit and chaos.  I hit the market in the morning and noticed some new foods:  skinned frogs, crickets, beetles, snakes and eels.  One bus stop on the way to the city was at a roadside stand that sold BBQ wild field rats.  Disgusting!  Here are some market shots.  What was cool about this market was that I was the only foreigner and the locals didn't pay any attention to me at all, allowing me to take time for photos.

frogs on a stick

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