Monday, September 9, 2019

Travel as a Lifestyle? It’s all an experiment

After a week of being in Wiesbaden, I am now motivated to write and reflect on the beginnings of my extended travels.  I first wanted to blog to document the travels for myself, however; it would also be a good way to let family and friends know of my whereabouts and status.  This will be a work in progress and I will refine as I go.  I will not be offended if you don’t follow and I will occasionally post on Facebook and Instagram, but it will be difficult to keep up via email as internet connection is not good here in my airbnb.

The experiment is to see if I can do travel more as a lifestyle vice tourist, with endless eating, drinking and site seeing - which I love to do too, but you can’t sustain that long term.  Lifestyle means, I do normal everyday things: laundry, cooking, pay bills, etc while exploring new or old places from a more intimate perspective and with my impressions and photos.

I am still working on the theme, but will start with “Through Windows of the World”, inspired, by none-other-than - Gabi. Photo from house mural in Assmannhausen.


  1. Laurie
    I am so jealous. Glad to see you are having a wonderful time. Cannot wait until I hear more in detail when you return.

  2. Eli and I enjoyed catching up on this today
    Keep posting as this is all so interesting

  3. See, I am reading your blog. Starting from this one ;-)
